

I am Reader in Human Physiology at the University of Westminster, London, UK, where my work examines the biology of ageing and loss of muscle mass with age. If you're looking for an up-to-date academic publication and list of published papers, you can find them linked here

Alternatively, you can find a full list of academic papers here.

My current reserach group consists of Dr Yvoni Kyriakidou, Post-doctoral research fellow (pictured), and PhD canditates Isabella Cooper, Jacqueline Leon Ribas, Aleksandar Dishkelov, and Noemi Chesteres.

I am always open to conversations around collaborations, so do get in touch!

British Society for Research on Ageing 

I am on the Board of Trustees of the BSRA, lead our team for society communications, and frequently represent BSRA at policy or academic meetings. In 2023, I was pleased to host the BSRA's annual meeting at the University of Westminster, bringing 100's of ageing biology researchers from around the world to central London to dicuss cutting edge research. 
