Brad Elliott

Science Communicator


All About Brad

As a passionate and active research scientist, I believe that the effective communication of scientific knowledge is as important as the discovery itself. To this end, besides my ‘day job’ as Senior Lecturer in Physiology in the Ageing Biology & Age-Related Diseases group at the University of Westminster, my contributions to policy discussions, and my trustee's role with the British Society for Research on Ageing, I regularly take part in on screen and print media science communication. I've produced and hosted science outreach podcasts, and have filmed, supported, and appeared on scientific programming on mainstream UK outlets such as the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5. As a research scientist, I never expected to end up on IMDB sharing credits with Stephen Fry or the van Tulleken twins!

In print media, my contributions to The Conversation have more than a million reads and a global impact, appearing in Discover Magazine, IFLScience, The Independent, and featuring in the World Economic Forum's Agenda. 

If you are looking for my academic profile at the University of Westminster, including up-to-date records of my group’s research outputs, these can be found here.
